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2013-01-08 18:59     来源:中国会计网     

131. 反毒斗争:anti-drug battle
  132. 黑客:hackers
  133. 减负:reduction of students’study load
  134. 中国加入世贸组织:china’s entrysintosthe WTO
  135. 沙尘暴:sandstorms
  136. 告别1999:farewell to the special year 1999
  137. 千年虫:the millennium bug
  138. 千禧年的梦想:my millennium dreams
  139. 拥抱新千年:embracing the new millennium
  140. 网上购物:shopping on the net
  141. 参考书的负面效应:my view on the negative effects of reference books
  142. 因特网的利与弊:positive and negative aspects of internet
  143. 人类第一张基因草图的意义:the significance of the first working draft of human genome map
  144. 高校合并:the merging of universities
  145. 网上求职:hunting for a job on internet





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